The Positive Side of Negative Emotions

The Positive Side of Negative Emotions

The mental judo known as “cognitive reappraisal” — minimizing the emotional impact of bad situations — can be good for the soul, but bad for the firm. Nobody likes negative emotions, but they do have an upside: They can keep people from violating ethics. The benefits...
The Power of Values … Now!

The Power of Values … Now!

Now is not the time to stop setting goals — it’s the time to start setting goals that feel right. There’s no better time than right now to identify your core values, envision a future you truly want, and start taking the steps to get there. The tumult of 2020 is...
Three Strategies to Conquer Negative Thoughts

Three Strategies to Conquer Negative Thoughts

What do you actually think about yourself?  In the world of shiny, happy, confident Insta-you, at the end of the day, when you’re alone with your thoughts, what do you say to yourself?   NY Times Bestselling Author and CEO of Positive Intelligence, Inc., Shirzad...
Humor: Back in Style!

Humor: Back in Style!

The 2020 Best Picture Oscar nominations were as somber as 2020 – dramas about war, another war, more war, divorce, lots of killing, and a poor family in Seoul conning a rich family in Seoul which leads to more killing.  I’m Korean and proud of a Korean drama...
Leadership: What level am I?

Leadership: What level am I?

‘The Five Levels of Leadership’ by John Maxwell states that there exists the following leadership levels.  POSITION – Rights:  People follow because they have to. PERMISSION – Relationships:  People follow because they want to. PRODUCTION – Results: ...
Leadership During COVID-19

Leadership During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic is posing extraordinary challenges for leaders and has given rise to a myriad of articles such as “What Good Leadership Looks Like During This Pandemic”, “The Most Essential Leadership Skills during the COVID-19 Crisis” or “Leading in a...